Reading List

Daily Reading Top 10

In addition to reading the below, I also have set up some custom news and twitter feeds, all of which help keep me in the know.

  • Techcrunch – all things tech at a glance
  • Recode – detailed tech coverage
  • Business Insider – sampler of tech/politics/business
  • The Wall Street Journal – ultimately I’m a Finance guy, so can’t let a day go by without checking in with WSJ
  • Bloomberg – a second take on the WSJ, often more frequent intraday tech reporting than WSJ
  • Forbes – If you need a 3rd Finance/Business source after WSJ and Bloomberg
  • IGN – for Gaming industry news
  • Variety – for Media industry news and tech
  • Skift – Travel industry news
  • The New York Times – the Nation’s paper

Book List

I start more books than I finish. It’s hard for me to make the time commitment to reading a thick book, and an even higher bar for me to recommend a book once I’ve read it. Expect this to be a short list…


  • The Intelligent Investor, Benjamin Graham
  • Rich Dad, Poor Dad by Robert Kiyosaki
  • Good to Great by Jim Collins
  • How to Win Friends and Influence People by Dale Carnegie
  • Outliers by Malcolm Gladwell
  • Freakonomics by Stephen Dubner and Steven Levitt


  • East of Eden by John Steinbeck – completely worth the read. Incredibly slow at parts, and when I finished I wondered what the point of the whole thing was. But that’s just it — it follows these characters through an entire lifetime, and shows how sometimes we’re in the light and sometimes we choose the shadows. It’s a little bit of Cain and Abel, virtue and vice. But it made me appreciate literature, the ability to draw me in to the characters, the people, the valley — East of Eden is heralded as being the home to one of the most vivid and entrancing descriptions of the Salinas valley and I couldn’t agree more.
  • The Da Vinci Code by Dan Brown – I saw the movie and then read the book. The movie was okay, but the book was incredible in terms of keeping my attention until the end.
  • The Wilderness World of John Muir by John Muir, edited by Edwin Way Teale – I read this as a junior in high school and completely hardened my resolve to respect and appreciate the outdoors, and those who care to save it.